Need a school assembly show?
Lyn can tailor a 45 - 60 minute show for your school or youth group. Children of all ages will be mesmerized and enchanted by the spectacular magic of Lyn Dillies. It’s guaranteed to have them sitting on the edge of their seats. Lyn and her crew can present some of the astounding illusions from her full touring show in your auditorium, cafetorium or gym. She travels with her own lighting and sound.
A high energy dynamic production
Lyn’s high energy, dynamic production keeps children spellbound. Her illusion repertoire includes: floating a child from the audience to making her assistant TJ materialize out of thin air to performing Houdini’s Metamorphosis faster than Houdini himself! Lots of audience participation included!
Each child will be inspired, wowed, and leave your auditorium with a sense of wonder from this fantastic Parent’s Choice© Award winner. In this electronic age, that’s magic in itself! Lyn has won numerous national awards for her "Learn Magic with Lyn" DVD. It not only teaches children how to do magic with everyday objects but also encourages children to follow their dreams. Lyn can integrate a school theme into the program as well. She also offers a talk about her fascinating and inspiring career followed with a Q and A segment. Topics she covers include overcoming her shyness to being bullied to discovering magic.